Dog Agility Rescue League Trophy Cabinet

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Mr Raffles 
Longfield Agility 27/08 - 30/08 KC-Veterans Combined Jumping Longfield Agility 27/08 - 30/08 KC-Veterans Combined Jumping Phase Purple 15/07 - 18/07 KC-Allsorts/Anysize ect. Combined Agility
Phase Purple 15/07 - 18/07 KC-Allsorts/Anysize ect. Combined Jumping Phase Purple 26/06 - 29/06 KC-Allsorts/Anysize ect. Combined Jumping Phase Purple 26/06 - 29/06 KC-Allsorts/Anysize ect. Combined Agility
Phase Purple 15/07 - 18/07 KC-Allsorts/Anysize ect. Combined Jumping Longfield Agility 27/08 - 30/08 KC-Veterans Combined Jumping

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